Paramount: Transformers 2
The first Augmented Reality experience in the UK
The Challenge
To celebrate the release of Transformers 2 in 2008, the producers at Paramount wanted to promote the sequel to the first highly successful Transformers movie. The idea was to digitally impose the character of Optimus Prime onto fans' heads using an Augmented Reality (AR) application.
The Solution
By working closely with Paramount and its CGI team, we developed software that would compress Optimus Prime's helmet from its cinematic rendering to fit computer screens without compromising the quality of the image. Fans of the upcoming sequel were then able to superimpose Optimus over their heads with a highly responsive application of facial recognition technology. This took place long before Snapchat and Instagram facial recognition software was released.
The Outcome
Arishi marked a major milestone in the history of a new technology.
Gaining over 800,000 hits within its first week, the campaign proved popular with both end-users and fans of the series.
Fun Fact
Bloggers who wrote about the application called it "the best AR experience so far."
You can watch the clip below: